How High Deductible Plans Can Save Your Business Money (Ep. 147)

How High Deductible Plans Can Save Your Business Money (Ep. 147)

Is opting for high-deductible health insurance plans a smart financial move for businesses? Larry Heller’s latest episode of the Life Unlimited Podcast features Jeff Weiner, CEO of HKM Associates, who brings his extensive experience spanning over four decades in life, health insurance, and financial services. Throughout the episode, Jeff offers invaluable insights into working with …

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An Employer’s Guide to 401k Plans: A Four-Part Series (Part II)

An Employer’s Guide to 401k Plans: A Four-Part Series (Part II)

Are you confident in your mastery of 401k fiduciary responsibilities? Continuing the engaging “Employer’s Guide to 401k Plans“ series with Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, this second installment dives deeper into the crucial topic of 401(k) fiduciary governance. Building on the foundational knowledge from Part I, Larry guides listeners through the intricate responsibilities and best practices …

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Decoding Legal Changes: Unpacking the 2024 Corporate Transparency Act and Proposed Non-Compete Agreement Changes with Yogi Patel (Ep. 145)

Decoding Legal Changes: Unpacking the 2024 Corporate Transparency Act and Proposed Non-Compete Agreement Changes with Yogi Patel (Ep. 145)

A new year has begun, and with it comes significant legal changes for corporations and small businesses. How should you prepare? In this episode of the Life Unlimited podcast, host Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, talks to Yogi Patel, managing partner at Outside Legal Counsel, LLP, in a revealing discussion about the details of the Corporate …

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An Employer’s Guide to 401k Plans: A Four-Part Series (Part I)

An Employer’s Guide to 401k Plans: A Four-Part Series (Part I)

Is it possible for 401(k) plans to work harder for you? Join Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, in this essential mini-series where Larry unravels the intricacies of 401(k)’s. This episode covers crucial topics such as the significance of proper plan design, the diverse types of 401k plans, and the advantages of offering these plans for business …

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Is Your Portfolio Missing Out? The Rise of Private Credit with Alona Gornick (Ep. 143)

Is Your Portfolio Missing Out? The Rise of Private Credit with Alona Gornick (Ep. 143)

Is private credit the hidden gem missing in your investment portfolio?  Explore the untapped potential of private credit in your investment portfolio with Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA® and special guest Alona Gornick, Managing Director and Senior Investment Strategist at Churchill Asset Management. Together, they take us deep into the intricacies of private credit, a burgeoning …

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The Great Wealth Transfer, Part 2: Bridging Generations (Ep. 142)

The Great Wealth Transfer, Part 2: Bridging Generations (Ep. 142)

As we delve deeper into the transformative phenomenon of the Great Wealth Transfer, Part 2 of our series further explores the staggering $68 to $74 trillion destined to cascade down over the next decade. In “The Great Wealth Transfer, Part 2,” Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, guides us through the intricate dynamics of this wealth transition, …

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The Great Wealth Transfer, Part 1: From Boomers to Millennials (Ep. 141)

The Great Wealth Transfer, Part 1: From Boomers to Millennials (Ep. 141)

Ever heard of the Great Wealth Transfer? It’s about to change everything you thought you knew about money. Imagine a staggering $68 to $74 trillion cascading down over the next decade or so. Could this make millennials the richest age group the U.S. has ever seen? In this two-part series, Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, offers …

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Investment Insights: Embracing Asset Class Strategies with Apollo Lupescu (Ep. 140)

Investment Insights: Embracing Asset Class Strategies with Apollo Lupescu (Ep. 140)

“Swimming with a school of fish”, that’s how Apollo from Dimensional Fund Advisors describes asset class investing in this episode of Life Unlimited.  Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA ® welcomes Apollo Lupescu, Vice President of Dimensional Fund Advisors, a prominent global investment management firm to discuss the emotional and logical thought process associated with investing. Listen …

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Year-End Tax Planning Unveiled: 10 Tips to Implement Before Year-End (Ep. 139)

Year-End Tax Planning Unveiled: 10 Tips to Implement Before Year-End (Ep. 139)

Tax loss harvesting – ever heard of it? It’s a strategy where you sell investments that have decreased in value to offset any gains and save on taxes. In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA® overviews ten savings and tax planning tips to implement before the end of the year. He goes into detail on …

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Life Beyond Divorce: Focusing on the Future with Gabrielle Clemens (Ep. 138)

Life Beyond Divorce: Focusing on the Future with Gabrielle Clemens (Ep. 138)

Juggling the various aspects of your life can not only be tricky, it can be very overwhelming. And then, just when you think you’ve got a handle on it all, a ball comes crashing down. No matter your financial situation, you deserve to come out happy and secure after a divorce.  In this episode of …

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