Month: April 2024

Unlocking Tax Strategies to Optimize Your Retirement (Ep. 152)

Unlocking Tax Strategies to Optimize Your Retirement (Ep. 152)

Are you effectively using tax strategies to boost your retirement investments?

Explore this insightful episode of the Life Unlimited Podcast featuring Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®. Larry delves into strategic tax planning and investment strategies designed to optimize retirement savings both during your working years and in retirement. Drawing from his experience as a former CPA, he underscores the significance of not only what you earn but also what you retain after taxes. Tune in as Larry highlights key strategies like capital gains management, tax loss harvesting, and the advantages of ETFs over mutual funds for tax efficiency. The episode emphasizes the importance of proactive tax planning for a secure and financially efficient retirement.

Larry Discusses:

  • The importance of understanding the advantages of ETFs for minimizing capital gains taxes
  • How and when to implement this strategy to reduce taxes by offsetting gains with losses
  • Insights on deciding which retirement account fits best depending on your current and future tax brackets
  • Maximizing tax benefits by converting during lower-income years, benefiting both the account holder and heirs
  • The necessity for a coordinated approach between financial advisors and tax professionals to optimize retirement strategies
  • And more!



Connect with Larry Heller: 

Navigating the Medicare Maze with Craig Smith (Ep. 151)

Navigating the Medicare Maze with Craig Smith (Ep. 151)

There is no secret to Medicare, you just need the proper guidance.

In this insightful episode of Life Unlimited, host Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, welcomes Craig Smith, Medicare professional. With a focus on senior healthcare since 2013, Craig has become a go-to advisor for baby boomers managing healthcare and insurance financials, especially Medicare. The episode delves deeply into the layers of Medicare, shedding light on its various sections, eligibility nuances, and pivotal decisions for those approaching their golden years.

Key Points Covered:

  • Exploring Medicare Parts A and B, along with drug plan details
  • Clarity on Medicare eligibility starting at age 65 and special condition considerations
  • Insights on how employer healthcare plans interact with Medicare choices at 65, including spousal coverage implications
  • Highlighting Medicare’s automatic enrollment, penalties, and drug plan selection
  • Differentiating between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans
  • Guidance on Medicare’s annual enrollment and state-specific plan variations
  • Plus, more tips for making well-informed Medicare decisions!


Connect with Craig Smith:

Connect with Larry Heller: 


About Craig Smith:

Craig Smith has been an instrumental figure in the senior healthcare market since becoming an insurance agent in 2013. His expertise in Medicare and commitment to offering unbiased, affordable healthcare plans have significantly impacted retirees and those nearing retirement age. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of Medicare, Craig provides tailored advice to his clients, helping them make informed decisions about their healthcare and financial security.

An Employer’s Guide to 401(k) Plans: A Four-Part Series (Part IV) (Ep. 150)

An Employer’s Guide to 401(k) Plans: A Four-Part Series (Part IV) (Ep. 150)

Are your 401(k) offerings impacting employee wellness and engagement?

Join Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, in the concluding episode of our four-part series, “An Employer’s Guide to 401k Plans.” This final segment focuses on the broader impact of 401(k) plans in terms of employee well-being and corporate culture. Larry explores how these plans transcend traditional retirement savings and play a pivotal role in fostering financial literacy, engagement, and loyalty among employees.

Larry Discusses:

  • The vital role of 401(k) plans in attracting and retaining talent and the extensive benefits for employers
  • Clarifying contributions, fund choices, and Roth options in 401(k) plans to support informed decision-making
  • Providing easily accessible resources and dedicated support for navigating 401(k) plans effectively
  • The importance of comparing model portfolios with target date funds for diverse financial needs and personalized investment approaches
  • The need for showcasing an employer’s commitment to employee well-being through comprehensive financial wellness programs
  • The necessity of continuous communication and regular educational meetings to engage employees in their 401(k) plans
  • And much more!



Connect with Larry Heller: