Tag: Financial Plan

Navigating The Myriad of Tasks After The Loss of a Loved One with Ronnie Genser (Ep.113)

Navigating The Myriad of Tasks After The Loss of a Loved One with Ronnie Genser (Ep.113)

One of the last things you want to worry about when you lose a loved one are the numerous non-financial tasks after the loss of a loved one.

Unfortunately, this is the reality for a lot of people.

In this episode, Larry Heller invites Ronnie Genser, President at Bereavement Navigators, to discuss all you need to know when it comes to navigating the myriad of taxes after the loss of a loved one, especially a spouse.

Ronnie discusses: 

  • How the loss of a loved one impacted her career and finances
  • How to prepare for the loss of a spouse from a non-financial standpoint
  • What inspired her to found Bereavement Navigators, a company that helps widows and widowers navigate the myriad of non-legal and non-legal and non-financial aspects of losing a loved one
  • How to navigate Social Security for the deceased without the headache
  • And more


Connect With Ronnie Genser:

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About Our Guest:

Ronnie Gensers’ professional background includes over 20 years in international and domestic sales, marketing, training and consulting.

Unfortunately, Ronnie’s successful career path took an unexpected turn after the sudden death of her husband. The things Ronnie learned about what she needed to do after her husband’s death include how to organize the numerous and unexpected tasks and the resources she found and the tips she learned. She now shares her work as a Bereavement Navigator with widows, widowers, adult children, and other relatives who have lost loved ones.

Strategies For Living With Inflation (Ep.107)

Strategies For Living With Inflation (Ep.107)

Inflation is beyond our control. However, there are ways you can mitigate the effects of inflation — both now and in retirement.

Discover how in this episode, as Larry Heller, CFP®, highlights ways inflation affects our lives and the steps that you can take to protect yourself and your retirement against it.

Larry discusses: 

  • What to consider with both your planning and investing when it comes to inflation
  • The cash strategy of having two to three years of your expenses in cash
  • Investments to use as a hedge against inflation
  • How a “tax bracket creep” works
  • And more

Connect With Larry Heller: