How to Make Your Business Sellable — With Albert Hakim (Ep. 43)

How to Make Your Business Sellable — With Albert Hakim (Ep. 43)

Your business is likely the largest illiquid asset you own. Have you considered how you will turn it into a liquid asset so you can use it for retirement planning?

Here to shed light on selling your business is Albert Hakim, a Certified Merger and Acquisitions Advisor with Kensington Company. Today, Albert speaks with host Larry Heller about what business owners can do to become exit-ready and how they can make their businesses attractive to buyers.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why an owner’s insistence on wearing all the hats in their business may make it unsellable


    • Why Albert believes it’s a sign of trouble if a business owner can’t take six months off


    • Examples of how business owners increased their valuation


    • Ideas for practices to adopt now that will make it easier to sell later on


    • Examples of what may attract acquirers to a certain business


    And more!

Tune in now to learn how to make a smooth business exit so you can retire right!

Resources: Heller Wealth Management | Kensington Company | (516) 626-2211

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