Category: Financial Planning

Investors — Focus on What You Can Control (Ep. 82)

Investors — Focus on What You Can Control (Ep. 82)

When it comes to investing, you don’t need to time the stock market to be successful.   

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP® shares his insight and expertise about investing in the stock market. He explains why you should avoid worrying about short-term market fluctuations which you cannot control. Instead, you should focus on areas that are within your control for the best results. 

You will learn:  

  • Why you shouldn’t try to time the market 
  • 8 areas you can control when it comes to investing such as: 
    1. Asset Allocation 
    2. The importance of a diversified portfolio 
    3. Why it’s essential to have a strategy 
    4. Rebalancing  
  • And more! 

 Tune in today to gain valuable insight on how you can make better decisions when investing in the stock market! 

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806 | Email Larry

Retirement Heaven or Hell: Which Will You Choose? — With Authors Mike Drak And Susan Williams (Ep. 81)

Retirement Heaven or Hell: Which Will You Choose? — With Authors Mike Drak And Susan Williams (Ep. 81)

“You’ve dreamed of retirement for decades, and have even worked hard to save for it. But what will your life look like when you stop working?

In this episode, join Larry Heller as he speaks with the authors of Retirement Heaven or Hell, Mike Drak and Susan Williams. 

Together, Mike and Susan reveal why they’re on a mission to help people understand the opportunities retirement can offer them and how they can create a retirement that works for them. To help you get started, they share ways you can overcome the challenges of retirement to live with more purpose and balance than ever before! 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • Key principles for a happy, secure, and fulfilling retirement
  • How to transition into retirement successfully and overcome the shock of a sudden, full-stop retirement
  • How to find value and purpose after retirement 
  • About “retirement rebels” 
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn how you can make your retirement your own personal heaven with Mike Drak and Susan Willams!

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806 | Email Larry | Retirement Heaven or Hell | Mike Drak | Susan Willams

Understanding the client experience when working with Heller Wealth Management (Ep. 80)

Understanding the client experience when working with Heller Wealth Management (Ep. 80)

What can you expect when working with us? 

Find out in this episode, as Larry Heller guides you through the process he and his team use at Heller Wealth Management! 

To help you get an idea of what working with his team will look like, Larry shares detailed insight on how they transform your vision into a financial plan and investment strategy that will help you achieve your financial aspirations and goals. 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • What our goal is when working with clients
  • Our step-by-step onboarding process
  • The importance of tax planning
  • Why you need accurate documentation
  • And more!

Tune in now to find out what you can expect when working with us at Heller Wealth Management! 

Three Methods For Resolving Divorce Disputes — With Attorney Michael Fried (Ep. 79)

Three Methods For Resolving Divorce Disputes — With Attorney Michael Fried (Ep. 79)

Are you thinking of settling your divorce out of court? Here’s what you need to know! 

In this episode, Larry Heller welcomes Michael Fried, partner at Berkman Bottger Newman & Schein LLP. As an experienced litigator and trial attorney in the field of matrimonial and family law, Michael breaks down three types of dispute resolution services he provides at his matrimonial firm in New York. Plus, he shares his insight on COVID-19’s impact on divorce rates. 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How the pandemic has impacted divorces
  • Methods for resolving divorce disputes — and the pros and cons of each
  • How to select the best process for both parties 
  • How Micheal acts as a “consulting attorney” during the mediation aspect of his practice
  • And more!

Tune in now to discover Michael’s three methods for resolving divorce disputes! 

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806 | Email Larry | Berkman Bottger Newman & Schein LLP: (212) 867-9123

Inherited IRAs are a Ticking Tax Bomb. Here’s What You Can Do (Ep. 78)

Inherited IRAs are a Ticking Tax Bomb. Here’s What You Can Do (Ep. 78)

The SECURE Act has changed the way beneficiaries inherit money from IRAs. If you’re a beneficiary, or are trying to set up your beneficiary for success, what does this change mean for you? 

Find out in this episode as Larry Heller discusses the new changes to inherited IRAs. He highlights what will happen if you fail to plan around the new IRA rules and reveals what you can do to start planning around these changes today! 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How the SECURE Act has changed inherited IRAs
  • 3 exceptions to the changes in the SECURE Act  
  • Alternative planning strategies
  • And more!

Listen in to learn how these new restrictions could affect you and your inherited IRA!

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806 | Email Larry

What Has 2020 Taught Us? Four Valuable Lessons We Will Take Into 2021(Ep. 77)

What Has 2020 Taught Us? Four Valuable Lessons We Will Take Into 2021(Ep. 77)

The start of a new year provides the opportunity to sit down and reflect on the lessons we’ve learned over the past 12 months. 

Join Larry Heller as he reflects on 2020 and shares the top four lessons he’s learned along the way. Larry also reveals how you can apply these takeaways to the challenges you may face in 2021. 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How to plan for the unexpected 
  • Why you should be grateful for what you have
  • The significance of asking for and offering help 
  • And more!

Tune in now to discover the lessons 2020 taught us that can guide you through this year! 

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806 | Email Larry

What Business Owners Need to Know About Their Commercial Insurance Coverage –– With Ron Rugolo (Ep. 76)

What Business Owners Need to Know About Their Commercial Insurance Coverage –– With Ron Rugolo (Ep. 76)

Insurance is an ever-changing industry. As a business owner, is it possible that you’re compromising coverage in order to pay the lowest price? Or, perhaps you’re lacking proper coverage without even realizing it. 

Today, Ron Rugolo, vice president of Bradley & Parker, joins Larry Heller to discuss the top oversights that business owners tend to make when choosing a commercial insurance provider. Get ready for an information-packed episode that will help you make the best decision possible for your business.

You will learn: 

  • Three important coverages that business owners are not required by law or contract to have
  • How to deal with cyber security attacks and ransoms 
  • Why price isn’t the main factor to consider when shopping for commercial insurance
  • What type of industries are best candidates when it comes to the view of their insurance policy 
  • And more!

Listen now to learn more about commercial insurance for business owners! 

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806 | Bradley & Parker : (631) 650-4014

Celebrating 75 Episodes of Retire Right (Ep. 75)

Celebrating 75 Episodes of Retire Right (Ep. 75)

Today, Larry Heller is celebrating a milestone — one that has taken us all on a journey towards a more prosperous financial future and second act of life!

In this episode, join Larry as he celebrates the release of his 75th episode of Retire Right. In honor of this milestone, Larry highlights some of the best episodes and the amazing guests he’s had thus far and gives us a glimpse at what we can expect from upcoming episodes! 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How Larry finds his passion for educating listeners
  • An overview of successful guests and topics that have been on this podcast 
  • Sneak peeks of future episodes and guests coming up in 2021
  • About Larry’s new podcast format and webinars 
  • And more!

Join Larry today for a walk down memory lane as we celebrate the 75th episode of Retire Right!

Resources: Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806  

Selling Your Home During a Divorce? Here’s What Couples Need To Know –– With David Perry (Ep. 74)

Selling Your Home During a Divorce? Here’s What Couples Need To Know –– With David Perry (Ep. 74)

Thinking of selling your home during a divorce? 

We recognize that it’s not an easy process, but we are here to help! 

In this episode, Larry Heller is joined by David Perry, a licensed real estate broker and Certified Real Estate Divorce Specialist at Brown Harris Stevens. Together, Larry and David address the repercussions and new opportunities for couples who are currently going through a divorce and looking to sell their home. 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How David started working with divorcing couples 
  • How David navigates any disagreements between spouses that come up during the selling process
  • Ways that divorcing couples can be better prepared to sell their home
  • How COVID-19 is impacting New York’s real estate market, and how that will affect residents who are going through a divorce
  • An example of why it’s critical to work with a professional who specializes in divorce when selling your home
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn how to sell your home successfully during the divorce process. 

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806 | Brown Harris Stevens | Email David Perry: (212) 588-5697 

“Do I Have Enough Money To Retire?” Here Are the Best Ways To Figure This Out! (Ep. 73)

“Do I Have Enough Money To Retire?” Here Are the Best Ways To Figure This Out! (Ep. 73)

Do you have enough money to retire?

It’s amazing how many people actually have enough money to retire, but don’t realize it. 

Today, Larry Heller gives you complete advice on how to answer this question for yourself. He uncovers overlooked expenses that pre-retirees must factor in and teaches you how to recreate your paycheck so you can retire right. 

You will learn:

  • Which expenses many retirees don’t plan for –– but should
  • Which withdrawal rate tends to give people enough money for the rest of their lives
  • Why people’s spending in retirement is U shaped
  • How to figure out how much money you’ll need even when the market is high & interest rates are low
  • And more!

Tune in now to figure out if you have enough money to retire!

Resources: Heller Wealth Management: (631) 293-2806 | Retire Right Book | Free Retirement Checklist | Episode 35: Your Retirement Paycheck