Tag: Financial Planner

Sage Advice for Simplifying your Life with Financial & Lifestyle Concierge, Judith Heft CMC® (Ep. 120 )

Sage Advice for Simplifying your Life with Financial & Lifestyle Concierge, Judith Heft CMC® (Ep. 120 )

When life feels like it is running faster than you can handle, don’t you wish that you had some sort of manual to keep your life in check? Organizing your finances can help you avoid late fees and missed payments, and help you reduce stress and free up your time to do things you enjoy.

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP® welcomes the founder and CEO of Judith Heft & Associates, Financial and Lifestyle Concierge. Judy Heft, CMC® joins Larry to talk about money management throughout all stages of life, how important it is to get your finances organized, and how knowing how and where you spend your money can help you feel financially confident.

Judy discusses: 

  • How a hobby of bookkeeping turned into a business 
  • Client success stories that put Judy’s organizational tactics to use
  • Why it’s important to take stock of your automatic, online payments
  • And more!


Connect With Judy Heft:

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About Our Guest:

Judy Heft, CMC® is the CEO of Judith Heft and Associates Financial and Lifestyle Concierge. Judy Heft and Associates has built its reputation on simplifying the chaos of their clients’ lives to give them more time to do what they want to do. A few of Judy’s many attributes include author, financial organizer and bookkeeper. Judy has a passion for helping people get organized, save money and have more time to enjoy life. Her clients come from all walks of life, including time challenged executives, divorcees and individuals with special needs.  


Investing with the Reservoir Strategy (Ep.119)

Investing with the Reservoir Strategy (Ep.119)

To avoid worrying about day-to-day stock market volatility, it might be a good idea to start investing with the reservoir strategy. Turn off the media, stop listening to those so-called experts that make short term predictions in the stock market. Have a plan in place especially when you are withdrawing money to create an investment portfolio that provides three reservoirs so you can stop worrying about current market volatility. 

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP® discusses the importance of prepping clients before they start making investing decisions. He explains how he has been able to educate, and talk to clients prior to implementing investment strategies, and how Heller Wealth Management creates an Reservoir Investment  Strategy that works both when markets are doing well, AND when they are struggling. 

Larry discusses: 

  • How he works with his clients to prepare a well-rounded strategy in anticipation of market volatility 
  • Why knowing your financial “time-horizon” is so important
  • How your retirement plans affect how you make your investing decisions
  • The significance of identifying, or revisiting your risk tolerance level
  • And more


Connect With Larry Heller:

Shedding Light on Low Vision with Dr. Steven Schoenbart (Ep. 118)

Shedding Light on Low Vision with Dr. Steven Schoenbart (Ep. 118)

Do you have trouble seeing clearly? Low vision refers to anything less than 20/20, accompanied by some sort of blur, or loss of vision. To help correct it, there are a number of helpful solutions available, such as different types of lenses, adjusting your diet, reviewing your overall health and bloodwork with your family doctor and mineral supplements. 

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, is joined by Dr. Steven Schoenbart, OD, the founder of Schoenbart Vision Care in Garden City, New York. He has been practicing in the optical industry since 1978, and is currently New York State certified in low vision rehabilitative optometry. 

Join Larry and Dr. Steven as they discuss:

  • Why low vision cannot be corrected with standard eyeglasses
  • How you can improve the onset of macular degeneration 
  • What contributes to vision loss, and eye disease. 
  • How magnifiers and telescopes can improve low vision
  • And more

Connect With Dr. Steven Schoenbart:

Connect With Larry Heller:

About Our Guest:

Dr. Steve Schoenbart, OD, prescribes spectacle mounted, miniature telescopic glasses to help restore the ability to read, drive, see faces & use the computer again. Low Vision devices For Macular Degeneration, Diabetes, non operative cataracts, Ocular Albinism & other eye diseases causing Vision Loss. 

Time to Have Those Tough Conversations with Your Parents (Ep.117)

Time to Have Those Tough Conversations with Your Parents (Ep.117)

Calling all members of the sandwich generation! 

As your parents age, you start to ask yourself a number of questions. What will happen when they are no longer able to live independently? When is a good time to step in, and offer help? 

Is it a good idea to get a third party to help pay bills on their behalf?

In this episode of the Life Unlimited podcast, Larry Heller, CFP, discusses the benefits of having an open, and honest discussion with your parents about their future.

Tune in as Larry discusses: 

  • How a third party can help mediate a conversation about bills and payments, and how they can take control of finances to ensure essentials are paid on time
  • The importance of knowing exactly where all of your parents’ assets are
  • How mobility and potential illness issues can affect your parents living situation
  • And more

Connect With Larry Heller: