Category: Financial Planning

Navigating Loss: 4 Essential Steps to Take as the Surviving Spouse (Ep. 132)

Navigating Loss: 4 Essential Steps to Take as the Surviving Spouse (Ep. 132)

Unfortunately, none of us truly anticipates the possibility of being thrust into the realm of widowhood. Join host Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA® as he guides widows and widowers through the essential steps you should be taking as the surviving spouse. 

In this episode of Life Unlimited, Larry discusses crucial steps to effectively manage your inherited assets. From reviewing the step-up basis for calculating capital gains tax to updating custodian accounts, he provides valuable insights to empower widows and widowers during this challenging time. Larry also delves into the topic of Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) and recognizing the importance of notifying the Social Security Administration. Don’t miss this episode as Larry equips widows and widowers with expert advice on navigating estate taxes and managing inherited assets with confidence.

Larry discusses: 

  • How to go about setting up a plan for your inherited assets and what a step-up in basis is
  • Planning processes to implement based on your retirement plan
  • Reminders about RMDs and things to consider 
  • What to know about social security measures when becoming a new widow
  • And more

Connect with Larry Heller: 

Unveiling the Emotional Side of Money: Insights from Christine Luken (Ep. 131)

Unveiling the Emotional Side of Money: Insights from Christine Luken (Ep. 131)

Prepare for an insightful exploration of the deep emotional connection between money and relationships in this thought-provoking episode. Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, is joined by esteemed podcast host and founder of the Financial Dignity Movement, Christine Luken. With her expertise in coaching high-earning professionals, business owners, and divorcees to overcome overwhelming debt and achieve remarkable financial growth, Christine brings a wealth of knowledge to the table.

Join Larry and Christine as they delve into the intricate dynamics of using money as leverage, the power imbalances it can create within a marriage, and its profound impact on relationships. Gain valuable insights and strategies to navigate the emotional aspects of money within your own partnerships.

Discover how to cultivate healthier, more balanced relationships with money as Christine discusses:

  • How she got into the financial industry and her turbulent relationship with money
  • Why our emotions have the ability to cloud our better judgment, leading us to poor financial decisions 
  • A word of advice to females who are in a financial relationship of any kind; what to consider, when to get involved, and how to take action
  • And more


Connect with Christine Luken: 

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About Our Guest:

Ready to master your money and become a financial success? Then you need Christine Luken, the Financial Dignity® Coach in your corner!

As the Founder of the Financial Dignity® Movement & a Certified Financial Counselor, Christine has coached hundreds of high-earning professionals to pay off staggering amounts of debt and massively increase their net worth over the past fourteen years.

Christine’s three books, Money is Emotional, Manage Money Like a Boss, & Financial Dignity® After Divorce, have landed her over 100 podcasts, TV, and radio interviews, establishing her as the authority on money and emotions.

When she’s not coaching clients from her office in Cincinnati, you can find this Certified Divorce Specialist & member of the Financial Therapy Association curled up with a good book, a fluffy cat, and a strong cup of coffee.

Mastering the Craft of Business Valuations: Expert Tips and Insights with Karl Janhsen, CPA, P.C. (Ep. 130)

Mastering the Craft of Business Valuations: Expert Tips and Insights with Karl Janhsen, CPA, P.C. (Ep. 130)

From selling a business to retirement planning, partnership negotiations, divorce proceedings, and estate planning, there are many reasons why someone would need a business valuation. Although the empirical data has vastly improved since the early days in this field, professionals still prioritize understanding each business individually and utilize several different valuation approaches including market, cost, and income to build a comprehensive business valuation.

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, is joined by our guest Karl Janhsen, CPA, P.C. who shares his journey into the complex world of business valuations.  While there is more science involved now, it still requires a sense of art. Karl also shares an interesting and challenging valuation case involving a biotechnology company that developed a revolutionary chemotherapy delivery system.

Listen in as Karl Janhsen discusses: 

  • The challenges faced in the early days of business valuations.
  • Factors that can affect the value of a business, such as concentration risk and market data. 
  • The need to use multiple approaches to evaluate a business’s value and the importance of customization to meet clients’ specific needs.
  • And More.

Connect with Karl Janhsen:

Connect with Larry Heller: 

About Our Guest:

Karl Janhsen is an experienced CPA, ABV with a career spanning over 30 years in public accounting. He worked at Deloitte & Touche, LLP and several accounting firms as a partner where he oversaw audits and challenging clients and was involved in business valuation engagements. In 1998, he co-founded Covati and Jahnsen CPAs, PC, and Premier Business Appraisals Incorporated. Providing financial and tax advice to a diverse clientele, with over 100 hours of training and business valuation techniques and theory, Karl is a sought-after expert in the field.

The Risk Factor: Unraveling Investment Pitfalls (Ep. 129)

The Risk Factor: Unraveling Investment Pitfalls (Ep. 129)

The lack of risk assessment in some investment types can lead people to overlook potential risks until a negative outcome occurs. With the current state of several regional banks such as Silicon Valley Bank, it is becoming increasingly important to understand and manage financial risks pertaining to cash and other investments.

In this podcast episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA® provides insight into the complexities of financial risk management. Join him to gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of cash, bonds and equities and essential insights on mitigating risk in today’s volatile economic landscape. 

Larry discusses: 

  • Risk and how it relates to a number of different asset classes
  • The ins and outs of FDIC Insurance, treasury money markets, and debt limits
  • Solutions to help maintain your confidence in your portfolio 
  • Cash risks you might not have considered before
  • And more

Connect with Larry Heller: 


Guiding the Visually Impaired: A Journey of Inclusion in Triathlons and Ironmans with Caroline Gaynor (Ep. 128)

Guiding the Visually Impaired: A Journey of Inclusion in Triathlons and Ironmans with Caroline Gaynor (Ep. 128)

People with disabilities may face challenges when engaging in everyday activities. However, participating in competitive sports can be even more daunting for them. 

What can we do to provide them with the necessary support?

Join us in this release as Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, sits down with Caroline Gaynor, Vice President, Relationship Director & Investment Specialist at Avantis Investors.

During this conversation, Caroline discusses her journey of guiding visually disabled athletes in high-intensity and competitive sports such as triathlons and Ironmans. She shares insights on how she became involved in this field and some of her most remarkable experiences. Furthermore, Caroline provides suggestions on how we can support para-athletes.

Caroline discusses: 

  • How visually impaired athletes can participate with modifications in sports such as triathlons
  • Her most eye-opening experiences while guiding in triathlons and Ironmans
  • The hardest part of helping others in high intensive sports
  • Ways you help para-athletes and where you can volunteer
  • And more!


Connect with Caroline Gaynor:

Connect with Larry Heller: 

About Our Guest:

Caroline Gaynor has a day job working as a regional director for a large asset manager. Outside of her job, Caroline works hard at something that isn’t a job but is more than a hobby: guiding visually-impaired triathletes. A triathlete since her college years, Caroline got into guiding by chance in 2008 and was hooked.

Ready, Set, Retire: Key Steps for Securing Your Financial Future (Ep. 127)

Ready, Set, Retire: Key Steps for Securing Your Financial Future (Ep. 127)

We all dream of those golden years when we can kick back and enjoy our retirement, knowing we have worked extensively for the money now used in retirement. 

But getting to that point requires a series of different checkpoints that will determine if you are truly ready to retire with confidence. 

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, goes through several different considerations you will have to encounter when planning for your retirement. While it is important to be prepared for the worst, planning ahead financially and staying mindful of possible scenarios can help you avoid having to change your lifestyle down the road and allow you to live a life unlimited.

Larry discusses: 

  • The importance of a distribution strategy
  • Ways you can understand where your cash flow is coming from once you hit retirement  
  •  How to know what pension to select 
  • And more

Connect with Larry Heller: 


Behind Closed Doors: The World of Investigative Techniques with Philip Segal (Ep. 126)

Behind Closed Doors: The World of Investigative Techniques with Philip Segal (Ep. 126)

From divorces and inheritance disputes, to fraud investigations and business partnerships gone sour, there are a number of reasons you may want to consider hiring an expert financial investigator.  

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, sits down with Philip Segal, author of The Art of Fact Investigation: Creative Thinking in the Age of Information Overload, as he discusses his expertise in the field of financial investigations. From understanding your legal rights if your personal information has been breached to what you can actually gain from suing someone under these circumstances, Philip is here to help you understand your rights. 

Philip discusses: 

  • What information of yours is online for public knowledge 
  • The ins and outs of financial property 
  • The importance of keeping an open mind when investigating and exhausting all of your options 
  • And more


Connect with Philip Segal:

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About Our Guest:

Charles Griffin is headed by Philip Segal, a New York attorney with extensive experience in corporate investigations in the U.S. for AmLaw 100 law firms and Fortune 100 companies.

Segal worked previously as a case manager for the James Mintz Group in New York and as North American Partner and General Counsel for GPW, a British business intelligence firm.

Prior to becoming an attorney, Segal was the Finance Editor of the Asian Wall Street Journal and worked as a journalist in five countries over 19 years with a specialization in finance. Segal has also been a guest speaker at Columbia University on investigating complex international financing structures. He is the author of the book, The Art of Fact Investigation: Creative Thinking in the Age of Information Overload (Ignaz Press, 2016).

He lectures on fact investigation and ethics to bar associations and other professional groups across the United States.

RMDs & The Age Increase: What This Means For Your Portfolio (Ep.125)

RMDs & The Age Increase: What This Means For Your Portfolio (Ep.125)

With the emergence of the new SECURE (Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement) Act 2.0, there are upwards of 100 different changes made that will affect the onset and process of your retirement. The one in the hot seat today is the RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) age change. 

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, discusses one of the most important changes for those nearing RMD age and explains how this change might impact your investment strategy moving forward, as well as ways to implement tax savings strategies.

Larry discusses: 

  • How your investment strategy might change with the requirement age of RMDs being pushed back 
  • How you can juggle different accounts in this process with a longer time horizon
  • The increased time you have to pull out your RMDs and how this may impact your portfolio and retirement
  • The importance of tax planning for your IRA
  • And more

Connect with Larry Heller: 

QDROs & Divorce: Understanding the Settlement of Retirement Assets with Derrick A. Rubin, Esq. (Ep. 124)

QDROs & Divorce: Understanding the Settlement of Retirement Assets with Derrick A. Rubin, Esq. (Ep. 124)

Most people don’t prepare for a divorce before they get married. In most divorces, property that was acquired during the marriage is subject to division between the spouses depending on a number of factors. 

Dividing assets and understanding how they are calculated post-separation is a crucial step in the divorce process. A QDRO can be used to divide retirement assets between the two spouses as a part of the property settlement. 

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, is joined by Derrick A. Rubin, partner at Wisselman, Harounian & Associates to discuss how you can navigate a divorce when it comes to using a QDRO to split assets.

Derrick focuses on: 

  • What a QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order) is, and how it works 
  • How various retirement plans differ in divorce settlements
  • The process of equitable distribution
  • And more

Connect with Derrick Rubin:

Connect with Larry Heller: 

About Our Guest:

Derrick A. Rubin, Esq. is a Partner at Wisselman, Harounian & Associates, P.C. and has been with the firm since 1997. He has been recognized by Newsday as an expert in matrimonial law and has been named a New York Metro Super Lawyer for 7 consecutive years. In addition to matrimonial law, he has extensive experience in residential and commercial real estate, estate planning, civil litigation and criminal and business law.


The Importance of Instilling Financial Literacy in Children with Karen Tenenbaum, co-creator of Walter the Vault (Ep. 123)

The Importance of Instilling Financial Literacy in Children with Karen Tenenbaum, co-creator of Walter the Vault (Ep. 123)

When today’s guest witnessed her 5-year-old daughter squeal with delight by inserting a quarter into a vending machine, she knew she had to instill proper financial habits, and fast.

Did you know that by the age of seven, most children have built their foundation for how they view, and spend money? To help ward off life-long implications from poor spending decisions, Karen Tenenbaum, Esq, CPA, co-founder of Commerce Plaza Inc., and Walter the Vault, made it her mission to bring financial literacy to the schools of New York.

Join Larry Heller, CFP® as he chats with Karen about her efforts in providing financial literacy education to children through working with school districts, obtaining grants, and giving life to a character that uses rhyme to teach money skills. 

Listen as Karen discusses: 

  • Why learning about money at a young age is essential to building life-long skills 
  • How she’s helped 75,000 children take part in a 6-week financial literacy curriculum
  • Why Walter the Vault was created and how he makes learning fun and interactive
  • And more!


Connect with Karen Tenenbaum:

Connect with Larry Heller: 

About Our Guest:

Karen Tenenbaum, Esq, LL.M., CPA, has been an attorney for over 35 years and founded her firm, Tenenbaum Law, P.C. which helps individuals and businesses facing IRS and New York State tax problems. Karen is a frequent speaker on IRS and NYS Tax issues for numerous professional groups and serves as a committee member and chairwoman of several local organizations.  Karen is the co-creator of Walter the Vault and co-founder of Commerce Plaza, Inc. both of which promote financial literacy.