Tag: Investing

Corporate Benefits to Cash Management Plans: A Deep Dive Into How We Work with Business Owners (Ep. 156)

Corporate Benefits to Cash Management Plans: A Deep Dive Into How We Work with Business Owners (Ep. 156)

How can business owners keep their financial strategies effective for long-term success?

In this informative episode of Life Unlimited, host Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA®, reveals the intricacies of corporate benefits and cash management tailored for business owners. Learn how regularly updating 401k plans, optimizing cash reserves, and leveraging professional networks can alter your business. Obtain actionable insights on attracting and retaining employees, maximizing tax advantages, and implementing successful financial planning strategies.

Key Points Covered:

  • Enhancing employee retention and tax benefits by updating 401k plans
  • Ensuring a robust, tax-advantaged retirement plan to provide the business significant savings while attracting and retaining top talent
  • Simplifying employee investment decisions with model portfolios
  • Optimizing cash management and utilizing high-yield strategies for better returns
  • Saving additional funds through strategic cash balance plans
  • Leveraging a network of experts for comprehensive business support
  • Larry’s hands-on experience and credible advice for business owners
  • And More!

Tune in to transform your business’s financial strategy and achieve long-term success.



Services Triangle

Our Approach 

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From Planning to Investments: A Deep Dive Into Our Services (Ep. 154)

From Planning to Investments: A Deep Dive Into Our Services (Ep. 154)

Beyond managing your investments and portfolio, have you ever wondered what else financial advisors do?

Understanding the full scope of financial advisory services is essential to maximizing the benefits of your financial plan.

In this enlightening episode of Life Unlimited, host Larry Heller, CFP®, CDFA® explores the multifaceted role of financial advisors. He addresses common misconceptions and emphasizes that effective financial advising extends well beyond investment decisions.This episode provides a deep dive into how we create personalized financial plans for clients, addressing all aspects of their financial lives to ensure future preparedness. Tune in to learn how we can help you achieve financial security and peace of mind through our comprehensive financial planning and detailed strategies.

Key Points Covered:

  • Larry’s dedication to educating clients and alleviating financial anxieties
  • Clarifying the comprehensive role of financial advisors beyond just investments
  • The critical importance of financial planning before making investment decisions
  • Detailed financial planning processes: goals, time horizons, and financial needs
  • Components of financial planning: cash flow analysis, risk management, tax planning, investment management, estate planning, and retirement planning
  • Differentiating traditional investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) from alternative investments (private equity, private credit)
  • The importance of regular financial monitoring to adapt to life changes
  • Addressing client concerns: inheritances, safe retirement strategies, and account consolidation
  • Highlighting the transparency of fee structures and the importance of fiduciary duty
  • And More!



Services Triangle: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:cfe5a4d5-2384-4a62-b76a-2921735e4cbf

Our Approach: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qp3B-6EQsTptfRZT5792CIVvvo9yrXKrwBVLFZvJBj8/edit?usp=sharing

►  Is Your Portfolio Missing Out? With Alona Gornick [Ep. 143]: https://hellerwealthmanagement.com/is-your-portfolio-missing-out-the-rise-of-private-credit-with-alona-gornick-ep-143/

Connect with Larry Heller: 

00:00 Introduction to Life Unlimited Podcast

00:20 Reflecting on 150 Episodes

00:33 Understanding Financial Advisory Services

01:59 The Importance of Financial Planning

03:18 Diving into Investment Strategies

13:13 Exploring Alternative Investments

16:23 Who We Work With and Our Fee Structure

20:35 The Fiduciary Standard Explained

22:06 Conclusion and Contact Information

Investing with the Reservoir Strategy (Ep.119)

Investing with the Reservoir Strategy (Ep.119)

To avoid worrying about day-to-day stock market volatility, it might be a good idea to start investing with the reservoir strategy. Turn off the media, stop listening to those so-called experts that make short term predictions in the stock market. Have a plan in place especially when you are withdrawing money to create an investment portfolio that provides three reservoirs so you can stop worrying about current market volatility. 

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP® discusses the importance of prepping clients before they start making investing decisions. He explains how he has been able to educate, and talk to clients prior to implementing investment strategies, and how Heller Wealth Management creates an Reservoir Investment  Strategy that works both when markets are doing well, AND when they are struggling. 

Larry discusses: 

  • How he works with his clients to prepare a well-rounded strategy in anticipation of market volatility 
  • Why knowing your financial “time-horizon” is so important
  • How your retirement plans affect how you make your investing decisions
  • The significance of identifying, or revisiting your risk tolerance level
  • And more


Connect With Larry Heller:

Tending Your Investment Strategy with Tax Loss Harvesting (Ep.115)

Tending Your Investment Strategy with Tax Loss Harvesting (Ep.115)

The Stock Market is having a down year, and we want to help save you some money on your taxes!

Enter, Tax Loss Harvesting. What is it? It’s an investment strategy that starts with the unrealized losses, and ends with money in your pocket. 

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP®, breaks down why and how you can make unrealized losses into realized losses to save money on income taxes.

Larry discusses: 

  • The Tax Loss Harvesting Process
  • Offsetting Taxable Gains with Losses
  • What is a wash sale and why you must avoid
  • Carry Forward Losses
  • And more


Download a Free Copy of Tax Loss Harvesting Checklist

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What You Need To Know About Retiring in a Recession (Ep.112)

What You Need To Know About Retiring in a Recession (Ep.112)

If you’re thinking about retiring, but the recession has you worried, have no fear, with proper planning, you can make decisions that are right for you.

What types of things should you be reviewing with your financial advisor when the economy looks like it is headed into a recession?

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP® discusses how you can make an educated decision when deciding whether your retirement plan is fit for the costs of a recession.

Larry discusses: 

  • The importance of knowing your retirement expenses prior to retiring
  • How to know if your retirement plan is compatible with a recession
  • The analysis you can do on your retirement plan to strengthen it against inflation
  • What you can do if you are forced to retire
  • And more


Connect With Larry Heller CFP®:


Navigating A Bear Market As A Soon-To-Be Retiree (Ep.111)

Navigating A Bear Market As A Soon-To-Be Retiree (Ep.111)

You’ve done it. You’ve invested, saved, and properly allocated your money to live a fulfilling retirement. But now the economy has entered a bear market and you don’t have as much money as you thought.

A bear market can cause you to make knee-jerk reactions that can affect your retirement plan. 

In this episode, Larry Heller, CFP® discusses how to navigate a bear market and shares some strategies to use when going through a bear market in retirement.

Larry discusses: 

  • How to find out your risk tolerance in a bear market
  • How you can review and rebalance your asset allocation during a bear market
  • What you should be doing with your cash right now
  • Ways to remain calm when your portfolio continues to go down
  • And more


Connect With Larry Heller:

Common Errors To Avoid When Passing Money To Your Heirs Upon Death (Ep. 109)

Common Errors To Avoid When Passing Money To Your Heirs Upon Death (Ep. 109)

Will your net worth be transferred to your heirs the way you intend it to? How do you know?  

 In this episode of Life Unlimited, Larry shares some real life stories of major mistakes he has seen with respect to a will, beneficiary or the titling of an asset. Listen in to hear some advice to make sure your estate planning wishes are kept up to date with your current family dynamic.

Larry discusses: 

  • Steps to take to ensure what you want happens after you pass away
  • How to properly distribute money to a minor child
  • Three areas to review to avoid common mistakes
  • The risks of having an outdated will
  • And more


Connect With Larry Heller:

The Boring Investor: Why Boring Can Be Better for Investors (Ep. 93)

The Boring Investor: Why Boring Can Be Better for Investors (Ep. 93)

Why is boring sometimes better when it comes to investing?

Find out in this episode, as Larry Heller explains why boring can be better when it comes to investing. Plus, discover how “boring” compares to the things that people typically want to talk about with investing.

Larry discusses: 

  • Why boring can be better when creating a investment strategy
  • Mutual funds versus individual stocks
  • Benefits of being a boring investor
  • And more

Connect With Larry Heller:

Determining the Optimal Investment Asset Allocation For Retirees (Ep. 89)

Determining the Optimal Investment Asset Allocation For Retirees (Ep. 89)

Asset allocation is one of the most important concepts for investors to grasp. 

That’s why one of the most-asked investment questions is, “How can we achieve optimal asset allocation, particularly during retirement?”

In this episode, Larry Heller addresses some of your questions and fears about asset allocation for retirees. He provides sound advice on your investments and walks you through some of the ways Heller Wealth Management can assist you in creating a portfolio that is tailored to your specific needs.

Larry Heller discusses: 

  • Why some of the most frequently used asset allocation rules should be avoided when constructing a portfolio
  • Three factors to consider when creating an optimal asset allocation portfolio
  • What a withdrawal is
  • How the Heller Wealth Management Reservoir Strategy works and how it may help you overcome panic selling and market fears 
  • And more


Connect With Larry Heller