Category: Retirement Planning

How to Make Your Business Sellable — With Albert Hakim (Ep. 43)

How to Make Your Business Sellable — With Albert Hakim (Ep. 43)

Your business is likely the largest illiquid asset you own. Have you considered how you will turn it into a liquid asset so you can use it for retirement planning?

Here to shed light on selling your business is Albert Hakim, a Certified Merger and Acquisitions Advisor with Kensington Company. Today, Albert speaks with host Larry Heller about what business owners can do to become exit-ready and how they can make their businesses attractive to buyers.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why an owner’s insistence on wearing all the hats in their business may make it unsellable


    • Why Albert believes it’s a sign of trouble if a business owner can’t take six months off


    • Examples of how business owners increased their valuation


    • Ideas for practices to adopt now that will make it easier to sell later on


    • Examples of what may attract acquirers to a certain business


    And more!

Tune in now to learn how to make a smooth business exit so you can retire right!

Resources: Heller Wealth Management | Kensington Company | (516) 626-2211

Special Edition Episode – Introducing Larry Heller CFP®, CPA’s New Book: “Retire Right”

Special Edition Episode – Introducing Larry Heller CFP®, CPA’s New Book: “Retire Right”

Larry Heller’s new book has hit the shelves!

In today’s episode, get a special preview of Retire Right: Lots of People Retire Wrong. Learn How to Retire Right,” and join Larry as he discusses why this book speaks to today’s retirement landscape.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • How retirement has transformed to become a “second act”


    • The ideal time to finetune your retirement plans


    • Examples of people who’ve made right versus wrong retirement decisions


    • How Larry’s book helps readers factor inflation into their planning


    • Where to purchase “Retire Right”


    And more!

Tune in now for an exclusive inside look at Larry’s new book.

Click here to purchase your copy! (Available in both eBook and paperback)

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management | Retire Right Book

The Top Five Errors Retirees Make (Ep. 42)

The Top Five Errors Retirees Make (Ep. 42)

Many people believe that if they save enough money for retirement, they’re all set. But there is so much more to consider.

After spending years helping people retire right, Larry Heller is sharing the five top errors retirees make. In this episode, Larry explains why these errors are so detrimental, and most importantly, how to avoid these errors so you can enjoy your retirement.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • A method for tracking your expenses (if you don’t like budgeting, this method is for you!)


    • Which big-ticket items become unexpected expenses for retirees


    • Why new retirees should avoid investing too conservatively


    • Why chasing yield can be problematic


    • Incorrect social security decisions to avoid


    And more!

Tune in now to learn how you can dodge the top five errors retirees make so you can retire right!

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management | Episode 40: Larry’s Top 5 IRA Planning Strategies

Everything You Didn’t Know About Long-Term Care with Guest Rona Loshak (Ep. 41)

Everything You Didn’t Know About Long-Term Care with Guest Rona Loshak (Ep. 41)

The longer you live, the more likely you are to need long-term care. In fact, once you reach 80 years old, there’s an 80% chance that you will need it.

Whether you’re thinking about your own long-term care or care for your parents, this is the episode for you. Larry Heller speaks with guest Rona Loshak, an award-winning specialist in long-term-care insurance, to give you all of the information you need to make the right decisions for you and your family.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What misconceptions keep people from creating realistic plans


    • Whether you can get plans from another state


    • The four categories of people who are more likely to need long-term care


    • Whether long-term care is covered by Medicare


    • How to qualify for long-term-care insurance


    And more!

Tune in now and get your long-term-care questions answered!

Resources:  Heller Wealth Management | Karp Loshak LTC Insurance Solutions

Your Retirement Paycheck (Ep. 35)

Your Retirement Paycheck (Ep. 35)

The transition from the work world to the retirement world can take a while to get used to. Sometimes, peace of mind can come from being able to recreate a paycheck every month.

In this episode, Larry Heller recommends variables and strategies to consider as you plan to create your retirement paycheck.

Today you will learn:

    • What it means to have a retirement paycheck


    • How planning for a retirement paycheck can help you figure out how much money you truly need each month


    • What role fixed payment plays when calculating your retirement paycheck


    • Three retirement portfolio strategies that you can use to recreate a retirement paycheck


    • Factors to consider when deciding which approach is best for you


    • Why you might not need to change your lifestyle in order to meet financial goals during retirement


    • Which factors might influence which accounts you draw your retirement paychecks from


    And more!

Tune in now and learn how you can start planning out your retirement paycheck, so you can retire right!

Resources: Heller Wealth Management

Don’t Fall for These Common Misconceptions About Medicaid (Ep. 30)

Don’t Fall for These Common Misconceptions About Medicaid (Ep. 30)

Do you know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

Today, Larry Heller breaks down common misconceptions with the help of Kevin Condon, a lawyer who specializes in elder law estate and long-term care planning.

To help listeners understand the inner workings of Medicaid, Larry and Kevin explain how it differs from Medicare. Then they clear up misconceptions they’ve both encountered with clients, including the belief that you can’t ever qualify for Medicaid if you have too many assets, or that your assets are protected from Medicaid in a revocable trust.

Kevin also outlines why it’s important to plan and protect your assets, even if you don’t think you need to plan for Medicaid. He also discusses the best age to start preparing.

Tune in today for an information-packed episode of helpful tips that will help you better prepare for your retirement.


Heller Wealth Management | Grenier, Humes & Nolan, LLP | Kevin Condon: 631-694-2626 or

Does Your Advisor Do This? Strategies to Optimize After a Tax Return (Ep. 13)

Does Your Advisor Do This? Strategies to Optimize After a Tax Return (Ep. 13)

While it’s valuable to build wealth, it’s also equally important to keep your money. Taxes are one of the key things that we should account for in doing so. The more you can save on taxes, the more money you can potentially earn. It’s important for your financial advisor to look at all strategies available to help optimize tax and ensure you’re keeping most of your money intact.

Learn more about tax optimization in this podcast:

Learn How to Retire Right with Complete Financial Advice at: Heller Wealth Management

The Social Security Conundrum Part 4: Divorcees and Widows / Coordinating Benefits with Other Assets and Income Streams (Ep. 12)

The Social Security Conundrum Part 4: Divorcees and Widows / Coordinating Benefits with Other Assets and Income Streams (Ep. 12)

Survivor and Divorce benefit options are one of the largest aspects of Social Security that most people do not understand.  Those who are eligible for the benefits may miss out on a lot of value, as they are not aware of the benefits and what they are entitled to. Larry shares more on understanding the benefits and how to efficiently maximize your Social Security.

Learn more about the Social Security conundrum series in this podcast:

Learn How to Retire Right with Complete Financial Advice at: Heller Wealth Management

The Social Security Conundrum – Part 3: Innovative Ways to Coordinate Benefits with Your Spouse (Ep. 11)

The Social Security Conundrum – Part 3: Innovative Ways to Coordinate Benefits with Your Spouse (Ep. 11)

Maybe you’re planning to apply for Social Security today, a year from now, or 10 years from now. Will you and your spouse know how to maximize its potential benefits? There’s a lot to know, but Larry spells it all out in his latest podcast.

Listen in as Larry explains innovative ways that you can coordinate Social Security benefits with your spouse:

Learn How to Retire Right with Complete Financial Advice at: Heller Wealth Management

The Social Security Conundrum – Part 2: When Should I Apply for Social Security? (Ep. 10)

The Social Security Conundrum – Part 2: When Should I Apply for Social Security? (Ep. 10)

Many people make mistakes when determining the best time to start taking their social security. Everyone is different, which makes every situation is unique. There isn’t one clear strategy that fits everyone’s needs. In this podcast, Larry shares the primary five factors you need to consider while deciding when to start taking your social security.

Learn How to Retire Right with Complete Financial Advice at: Heller Wealth Management